
行业动态 | 蒙特利尔港应用人工智能优化操作

Artificial Intelligence to feature in a new Port Logistics Optimization Tool.

The Port of Montreal has announced it will use artificial intelligence with a new "Port Logistics Optimsation Tool" that improves the transit times for containerised cargo moving throught the port on rail.

Daniel Dagenais, Vice-President, Operations at the Montreal Port Authority (MPA), said: "This project is another critical milestone towards the 'Smart Port' vision we are implementing. It will benefit all stakeholders involved in the chain by reducing cargo delays and transit time while maximising throughput to our major logistics hub."
蒙特利尔港务局(MPA)运营副总裁Daniel Dagenais表示:"该项目是实现我们正在实施的"智能港口"愿景的另一个关键里程碑。它将通过减少货物延误和运输时间,使供应链中所有利益相关者受益,同时最大程度地提高了通往我们主要物流中心的吞吐量。"

The aim of the "AI solution" is to optimise freight train planning based on variables such as ship arrivals, rail car deliveries, storage capacity, workforce availability and other parameters.
" AI解决方案"的目的是基于变量来优化货运计划,这些变量包括船到港,铁路车辆交货,堆存能力,人力资源和其他因数。

The project is headed by the MPA in partnership with terminal operators Montreal Gateway Terminals Partnership and Termont Montreal Inc., as well as with EI Systems and Canscan. It was developed in collaboration with IVADO Labs, a startup specialising in the development of AI solutions with unique expertise in logistics.
该项目由MPA牵头,与码头运营商Montreal Gateway Terminals Partnership和Termont Montreal Inc.以及EI Systems和Canscan合作。它是与IVADO Labs合作开发的,IVADO Labs是一家专门从事具有物流专业知识的AI解决方案开发的初创公司。

This is the second AI project that at the port that has been funded by the Government of Canada through Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence AI (SCALE AI), an investment and innovation cluster that accelerates the application of artificial intelligence for supply chains. "A data-driven approach provides, at best, good upstream visibility on the rail and marine supply chain in order to support decision-making. At a tactical level, this upstream visibility can be enhanced through AI and predictive analytical tools. A better synchronization of all elements of supply chains is expected to bring substantial benefits to the entire gateway ecosystem," SCALE AI said in a statement.
这是"供应链和物流人工智能计划"(SCALE AI)的第二个AI项目。SCALE AI由加拿大政府资助,是一个投资和创新集群,可加速人工智能在供应链中的应用。 加拿大港口通过"数据驱动的方法可以在铁路和海运供应链上提供良好的上游可见性,以支持决策。在战术层面上,可以通过AI和预测分析工具来增强这种上游可见性。供应链的所有要素之间更好的同步有望为整个物流生态系统带来实质性的好处。" SCALE AI在一份声明中说。

SCALE AI is investing a total of C$29M in five projects in its second round of investments, of which C$1.3M will go towards the C$2.7M cost of this optimization tool.
SCALE AI的第二轮投资总共在五个项目中投资了2900万加元,其中130万加元将用于优化工具。优化工具的成本为270万加元。

The first AI project involving the Port of Montreal and SCALE was a tool to accelerate the handling of goods deemed "critical" in the current COVID-19 pandemic.
涉及蒙特利尔港和SCALE AI的第一个AI项目是一种工具,可用来加速当前COVID-19大流行中被视为"重要"货物的处理。

资料来源:World Cargo News, 翻译:招商国际信息。转载请注明出处。


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